Sanjeev Krishna Yoga

This is the true story of me (Saravanan) and my wife (Kalpana) and the impact ROL has made to our lives. My wife and I have gained diabetes, hypertension, depression, back disc issue, cervical spondylitis, etc to name a few in the past few years that we have been married to each other. We started taking each other for granted and lost interest in each other. We started resenting each other and yes, I was in deep depression and my wife on the other hand was threatening to ditch me unless I met the Yoga master she believed in (and I did not at that time), I unwillingly met Mr. Sanjeev Krishnan 3 years ago; my plan was to spend 15 minutes with this guy and leave so my wife cannot use this as a threat to leave me. That first meeting lasted 2 hours. I then did the Yoga Nidra and ROL and was fully out of my depression in 20 days and Mr. Sanjeev Krishnan became Guruji for me. Our married life became a smooth routine once again. We finally rediscovered our lost love. Our life is now in bliss and the effect of our harmony transcends into the happiness of our children, our parents and all our friends and relatives. I have understood my wife much better in the past three months than I have understood her in the past 18 years; I now know what she likes, what her temperament is, and what she really expects from me and I am delighted to make her happy in every possible way I can.