Sanjeev Krishna Yoga


Sanjeev Krishna

Guruji Sanjeev Krishna

SKY is a brain child of Guruji Sanjeev Krishna, initially started in 2003, in Dubai, UAE, in the name of Rhythm yoga center. From the time of inception, it had grown to be a reputable yoga institution, in the middle East. Conducting classes for individuals, families, educational institutions, universities, and various corporates.

In 2004 it had participated in the Government programs and received a participation award from DOHMS for its contribution to world health through Yoga.

“Be a seeker of knowledge. And we will realize every person in our life as a teacher” – Guruji Sanjeev Krishna

Sanjeev Krishna

Guruji Sanjeev Krishna

SKY is a brain child of Guruji Sanjeev Krishna, initially started in 2003, in Dubai, UAE, in the name of Rhythm yoga center. From the time of inception, it had grown to be a reputable yoga institution, in the middle East. Conducting classes for individuals, families, educational institutions, universities, and various corporates.

In 2004 it had participated in the Government programs and received a participation award from DOHMS for its contribution to world health through Yoga.

“Be a seeker of knowledge. And we will realize every person in our life as a teacher” – Guruji Sanjeev Krishna

About Sanjeev Krishna Yoga

The Founder

Guruji Sanjeev Krishna is the founder, director for Sanjeev Krishna Yoga established for more than a decade in Dubai. He is lovingly called by his students as Guruji. “Guru ” means teacher and “Ji ” stands as a respect for the profound knowledge he contributes in the life of many from all over, who come in touch by his teaching and the various classes he conducts. It has changed lives of people to bring in a positive, peaceful and awakening outlook towards life for health, wealth, happiness and well-being in all facets of experiences.

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His Journey

Guruji Sanjeev Krishna from a very young age of 12 years, is a seeker of knowledge and a thinker of life and its manifestations. His passion leads him to great Masters in these yogic disciplines and teaching’s. His ardent desire to learn about life made him what he is today. “The more I seek knowledge, the more I feel I am still a child who knows nothing, so I seek more and more in my search for eternal truth of life ” _ Guruji Sanjeev Krishna. This infinite knowledge has no limitations till the end of all our lives.

A passionate student in the knowledge of yoga, a compassionate student for all the Masters he underwent his training in various such yogic discipline, a professional in many diversified fields from medicine, transport to financial institution and asset recovery. His contribution to society by serving in Rotary International club as a PP and GGR of dist. 3200, Spastic society and other charitable institutions until he left everything to pursue his passion of the seed already sown within from his child hood.

The speciality of his classes are based on his indepth knowledge and wisdom on the ancient traditional aspect of yogic science which is absolutely universal, logical and scientific approach.

He is more into the science and principles of health and wellness management imparted according to the necessitates and requirements of the students who come to him that gives them the relief and cure for many health issues, be it physical, mental, psychological or psychosomatic uneasiness of health. One of his flagship programs called the Rhythm of Life is an awakening light of knowledge that transform lives in all respects, be it in outlook of life or disciplines. It overcomes any type of health issues be it physical or mental etc. More than 8000 participants from all over the globe have experienced and reaped the benefits of his classes in many ways.

Sanjeev Krishna Yoga center for wellness is in the heart of Dubai with various activities for physical, mental and emotional well-being to cater to any physical and mental healing technique to suit anyone who steps into this Noble institution.

6 reasons why yoga is important in one's life

First of all, people in the world are born yogis and yoginis from birth till death. Why? Because after your mother, it is the universe that gives you the life from birth till death, by the air we breathe called, Prana, the vital energy in your life to live, experience and gain everything for you in this world, irrespective of any caste, nationality, or religion. Without this Universal connection none can dream to live and get what they want.

No parent can teach a child to crawl, kneel, stand, or walk. Your body is your default teacher to make you walk. So every creatures including humans is guided by default from nature.

Physical exercise aspects of yoga is only a chip of the iceberg of knowledge that prevails in the world today.

Every human being is living because of mother nature’s blessing. A Master can only help a person to evolve when the knowledge and wisdom taught is rightly understood by human intelligence.

Humans can tap universal intelligence by using the power of their own mind not by listening blindly to others or by following any books. Gain experiential wisdom and not be blinded in beliefs. Be a master of your own lives and not a slave for others to use you for their objectives.

Yoga has come from the word "YUJ" which in Sanskrit means to link, join, balance, union, harmony, symphony, Coordination etc It drives to make it a balanced outlook with a body that is limited and a mind which is unlimited in its desires. Learning to balance this is the science call Yuj that became known as yoga in due course.


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Vestibulum libero nisl, porta vel, scelerisque eget, malesuada at, neque. Vivamus eget nibh.


Mauris fermentum dictum magna. Sed laoreet aliquam leo. Ut tellus dolor, dapibus eget, elementum vel.


Aenean auctor wisi et urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis. Integer rutrum ante eu lacus.


Vestibulum libero nisl, porta vel, scelerisque eget, malesuada at, neque. Vivamus eget nibh.

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His Vision and Mission

Ignite the world of the knowledge we all have within and light up our lives for a beautiful tomorrow. Our younger generation should not suffer by ignorance and darkness but shine forth-in life tomorrow as wonderful personalities to contribute to the world. We are not apart from anyone but we are all a part of everyone, as one large family in this beautiful world.


Sanjeev Krishna Yoga Centre contribution to health and wellness has been noteworthy by the testimonials rendered by its participants in the various programs conducted at the center.

Certified by CYAI

SKY is certified by CYAI (COUNCIL FOR YOGA ACCREDITATION INTERNATIONAL) as recognized center in Middle East

ISO Certified

SKY is the first one in the Middle East as an internationally ISO certified yoga center by INTERTEK ISO 9001:2015


Recognition from DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL SCIENCE, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (DOHMS) for the participation

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